k . Pharmacist preparing chemotherapy drugs in a hospital clean room. Chemotherapy is a general term used to describe the treatment or prevention of disease by the use of chemical substances, but is more commonly restricted to the treatment of cancer with antimetabolites and cytotoxic drugs, where mixtures of drugs are administered over a period of time according to a tailored regime. Chemotherapy agents include the antimetabolites fluorouracil methotrexate and cytotoxic agents such as vincristine, which destroy cancer cells by inhibiting cell division. Pharmacist Leigh Dinning MODEL RELEASED Editorial Stock Photo - Afloimages
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. Pharmacist preparing chemotherapy drugs in a hospital clean room. Chemotherapy is a general term used to describe the treatment or prevention of disease by the use of chemical substances, but is more commonly restricted to the treatment of cancer with antimetabolites and cytotoxic drugs, where mixtures of drugs are administered over a period of time according to a tailored regime. Chemotherapy agents include the antimetabolites fluorouracil & methotrexate and cytotoxic agents such as vincristine, which destroy cancer cells by inhibiting cell division. Pharmacist: Leigh Dinning MODEL RELEASED

. Pharmacist preparing chemotherapy drugs in a hospital clean room. Chemotherapy is a general term used to describe the treatment or prevention of disease by the use of chemical substances, but is more commonly restricted to the treatment of cancer with antimetabolites and cytotoxic drugs, where mixtures of drugs are administered over a period of time according to a tailored regime. Chemotherapy agents include the antimetabolites fluorouracil & methotrexate and cytotoxic agents such as vincristine, which destroy cancer cells by inhibiting cell division. Pharmacist: Leigh Dinning MODEL RELEASED




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