k . Chinese pharmacy. Herbalist dispenses medicine in a Chinese pharmacy containing herbal medication. Herbal medicine uses mixtures of plant parts to treat symptoms. The Chinese medical tradition is based on the existence of a universal life force called Chi. Chi manifests itself in the body as two complimentary forces known as yin and yang. According to Chinese medicine, yin and yang must be balanced in the body to achieve a flow of Chi, essential for good health. Other branches of Chinese medicine include acupuncture, acupressure and taichi. MODEL RELEASED Editorial Stock Photo - Afloimages
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. Chinese pharmacy. Herbalist dispenses medicine in a Chinese pharmacy containing herbal medication. Herbal medicine uses mixtures of plant parts to treat symptoms. The Chinese medical tradition is based on the existence of a universal life force called Chi. Chi manifests itself in the body as two complimentary forces known as yin and yang. According to Chinese medicine, yin and yang must be balanced in the body to achieve a flow of Chi, essential for good health. Other branches of Chinese medicine include acupuncture, acupressure and t'ai-chi. MODEL RELEASED

. Chinese pharmacy. Herbalist dispenses medicine in a Chinese pharmacy containing herbal medication. Herbal medicine uses mixtures of plant parts to treat symptoms. The Chinese medical tradition is based on the existence of a universal life force called Chi. Chi manifests itself in the body as two complimentary forces known as yin and yang. According to Chinese medicine, yin and yang must be balanced in the body to achieve a flow of Chi, essential for good health. Other branches of Chinese medicine include acupuncture, acupressure and t'ai-chi. MODEL RELEASED




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