k Dragon anatomy, artwork Dragon anatomy. Artwork showing a proposed internal anatomy for a dragon, intended to explain its firebreathing abilities. Myths and legends about dragons are found worldwide. In many Western cultures, the dragon is a firebreathing symbol of death and evil. However, other cultures, such as the ancient Greeks and Romans and Chinese believed dragons to have a protective, benign influence. In ancient China, the dragon was a symbol of the Emperor and was widely believed to be a real creature that controlled the weather. Dragons are also found in stories in the fantasy genre. For a similar artwork, see C0151504. Stock Photo - Afloimages
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Dragon anatomy, artwork Dragon anatomy. Artwork showing a proposed internal anatomy for a dragon, intended to explain its fire breathing abilities. Myths and legends about dragons are found worldwide. In many Western cultures, the dragon is a fire breathing symbol of death and evil. However, other cultures, such as the ancient Greeks and Romans and Chinese believed dragons to have a protective, benign influence. In ancient China, the dragon was a symbol of the Emperor and was widely believed to be a real creature that controlled the weather. Dragons are also found in stories in the fantasy genre. For a similar artwork, see C015 1504.

Dragon anatomy, artwork

Dragon anatomy. Artwork showing a proposed internal anatomy for a dragon, intended to explain its fire-breathing abilities. Myths and legends about dragons are found worldwide. In many Western cultures, the dragon is a fire-breathing symbol of death and evil. However, other cultures, such as the ancient Greeks and Romans and Chinese believed dragons to have a protective, benign influence. In ancient China, the dragon was a symbol of the Emperor and was widely believed to be a real creature that controlled the weather. Dragons are also found in stories in the fantasy genre. For a similar artwork, see C015/1504.




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