k Walia ibex rearing up on hind legs Male Walia ibex Capra walie rearing up. These goat antelopes are considered a critically endangered species. They are only found in the Simien mountain range of northern Ethiopia where they feed on grasses, herbs and other plant matter. Both males and females have horns, but the males horns are much larger and may reach over one metre in length. The walia stands at about a metre high at the shoulder and can weigh up to 120 kilograms. Photographed in Ethiopia. Stock Photo - Afloimages
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Walia ibex rearing up on hind legs Male Walia ibex  Capra walie  rearing up. These goat antelopes are considered a critically endangered species. They are only found in the Simien mountain range of northern Ethiopia where they feed on grasses, herbs and other plant matter. Both males and females have horns, but the male s horns are much larger and may reach over one metre in length. The walia stands at about a metre high at the shoulder and can weigh up to 120 kilograms. Photographed in Ethiopia.

Walia ibex rearing up on hind legs

Male Walia ibex (Capra walie) rearing up. These goat antelopes are considered a critically endangered species. They are only found in the Simien mountain range of northern Ethiopia where they feed on grasses, herbs and other plant matter. Both males and females have horns, but the male's horns are much larger and may reach over one metre in length. The walia stands at about a metre high at the shoulder and can weigh up to 120 kilograms. Photographed in Ethiopia.




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