k Air traffic visualisation Air traffic visualisation. Computer artwork of air traffic over the USA. This image is one frame from an animation of air traffic over a 24hour period. Air traffic data from the US Federal Aviation Administration FAA was plotted using a programming language called Processing and animated using Adobe After Effects and Maya. This frame shows flight activity over the east coast of USA right, west coast centre, central USA right of centre, Hawaii bottom left, Florida and the Caribbean lower right, and Alaska top left corner. The full animation reveals up to 19,000 aircraft flying over the USA at any one time. Created by Aaron Koblin, design and media arts researcher, University of California, USA. Stock Photo - Afloimages
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Air traffic visualisation Air traffic visualisation. Computer artwork of air traffic over the USA. This image is one frame from an animation of air traffic over a 24 hour period. Air traffic data from the US Federal Aviation Administration   FAA  was plotted using a programming language called Processing and animated using Adobe After Effects and Maya. This frame shows flight activity over the east coast of USA  right , west coast  centre , central USA  right of centre , Hawaii  bottom left , Florida and the Caribbean  lower right , and Alaska  top left corner . The full animation reveals up to 19,000 aircraft flying over the USA at any one time. Created by Aaron Koblin, design and media arts researcher, University of California, USA.

Air traffic visualisation

Air traffic visualisation. Computer artwork of air traffic over the USA. This image is one frame from an animation of air traffic over a 24-hour period. Air traffic data from the US Federal Aviation Administration Â(FAA) was plotted using a programming language called Processing and animated using Adobe After Effects and Maya. This frame shows flight activity over the east coast of USA (right), west coast (centre), central USA (right of centre), Hawaii (bottom left), Florida and the Caribbean (lower right), and Alaska (top left corner). The full animation reveals up to 19,000 aircraft flying over the USA at any one time. Created by Aaron Koblin, design and media arts researcher, University of California, USA.




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