k James Webb Space Telescope environmental testing Fully assembled James Webb Space Telescope JWST at the completion of environmental testing at Northrop Grummans Space Park in Redondo Beach, California, USA. The test simulated the harsh conditions associated with a rocket launch to space, including noise, shakes, rattles and vibrations. It will be positioned near the EarthSun L2 Lagrangian point. By using infrared wavelengths, the JWST will be able to see through much of the dust that obscures visible light. It will also study dark matter, which is thought to form the majority of the matter in the universe. Editorial Stock Photo - Afloimages
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James Webb Space Telescope environmental testing Fully assembled James Webb Space Telescope  JWST  at the completion of environmental testing at Northrop Grummans Space Park in Redondo Beach, California, USA. The test simulated the harsh conditions associated with a rocket launch to space, including noise, shakes, rattles and vibrations. It will be positioned near the Earth Sun L2 Lagrangian point. By using infrared wavelengths, the JWST will be able to see through much of the dust that obscures visible light. It will also study dark matter, which is thought to form the majority of the matter in the universe.

James Webb Space Telescope environmental testing

Fully assembled James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) at the completion of environmental testing at Northrop Grummans Space Park in Redondo Beach, California, USA. The test simulated the harsh conditions associated with a rocket launch to space, including noise, shakes, rattles and vibrations. It will be positioned near the Earth-Sun L2 Lagrangian point. By using infrared wavelengths, the JWST will be able to see through much of the dust that obscures visible light. It will also study dark matter, which is thought to form the majority of the matter in the universe.




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