k Female widgeon Female widgeon Anas penelope drinking. This duck inhabits inland lakes and rivers during the breeding season, but spends the winter at coastal marshes and estuaries. It is found throughout much of Eurasia. It is herbivorous, feeding almost entirely on aquatic plants. The widgeon may reach a length of around 50 centimetres. Photographed in July in Loch Garten, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland, UK. Stock Photo - Afloimages
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Female widgeon Female widgeon  Anas penelope  drinking. This duck inhabits inland lakes and rivers during the breeding season, but spends the winter at coastal marshes and estuaries. It is found throughout much of Eurasia. It is herbivorous, feeding almost entirely on aquatic plants. The widgeon may reach a length of around 50 centimetres. Photographed in July in Loch Garten, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland, UK.

Female widgeon

Female widgeon (Anas penelope) drinking. This duck inhabits inland lakes and rivers during the breeding season, but spends the winter at coastal marshes and estuaries. It is found throughout much of Eurasia. It is herbivorous, feeding almost entirely on aquatic plants. The widgeon may reach a length of around 50 centimetres. Photographed in July in Loch Garten, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland, UK.




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