k The Kaberg prison is a place with a double dictatorship past. It served the Nazi judiciary as a remand and penal prison and, after the end of the Second World War, first the Soviet secret service NKVD and later the GDR secret police MfS as a remand prison Stock Photo - Afloimages
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The Kaßberg prison is a place with a double dictatorship past. It served the Nazi judiciary as a remand and penal prison and, after the end of the Second World War, first the Soviet secret service (NKVD) and later the GDR secret police (MfS) as a remand prison

The Kaßberg prison is a place with a double dictatorship past. It served the Nazi judiciary as a remand and penal prison and, after the end of the Second World War, first the Soviet secret service (NKVD) and later the GDR secret police (MfS) as a remand prison




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