k A loaf of bread rests on a wooden cutting board, partially covered by a striped towel, with copy space. Sunlight bathes the modern kitchen setting, highlighting the simplicity and warmth of a homebaked meal. A loaf of bread rests on a wooden cutting board, partially covered by a striped towel, with copy space. Sunlight bathes the modern kitchen setting, highlighting the simplicity and warmth of a homebaked meal. Stock Photo - Afloimages
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A loaf of bread rests on a wooden cutting board, partially covered by a striped towel, with copy space. Sunlight bathes the modern kitchen setting, highlighting the simplicity and warmth of a home baked meal. A loaf of bread rests on a wooden cutting board, partially covered by a striped towel, with copy space. Sunlight bathes the modern kitchen setting, highlighting the simplicity and warmth of a home baked meal.

A loaf of bread rests on a wooden cutting board, partially covered by a striped towel, with copy space. Sunlight bathes the modern kitchen setting, highlighting the simplicity and warmth of a home-baked meal.

A loaf of bread rests on a wooden cutting board, partially covered by a striped towel, with copy space. Sunlight bathes the modern kitchen setting, highlighting the simplicity and warmth of a home-baked meal.




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Royalty Free


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0.3 MB
427 x 640 px
3.6 x 5.4 cm
$ 3.00
3.7 MB
1601 x 2400 px
13.6 x 20.3 cm
$ 10.00
42.7 MB
5464 x 8192 px
46.3 x 69.4 cm
$ 20.00
42.7 MB
5464 x 8192 px
46.3 x 69.4 cm
$ 20.00
42.7 MB
5464 x 8192 px
46.3 x 69.4 cm
$ 30.00
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