k Sharp Corporation Tochigi PlantIncreased production of 4K TVs for yearend sales Sharp, which is undergoing a management restructuring, opened its Tochigi plant, which produces LCD TVs, to the press on November 19. The plant is doubling production of 4K TVs for the yearend sales season, in Yaita City, Tochigi Prefecture, on the afternoon of November 19, 2015. Editorial Stock Photo - Afloimages
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Sharp Corporation Tochigi Plant Increased production of 4K TVs for year end sales Sharp, which is undergoing a management restructuring, opened its Tochigi plant, which produces LCD TVs, to the press on November 19. The plant is doubling production of 4K TVs for the year end sales season, in Yaita City, Tochigi Prefecture, on the afternoon of November 19, 2015.

Sharp Corporation Tochigi Plant Increased production of 4K TVs for year-end sales

Sharp, which is undergoing a management restructuring, opened its Tochigi plant, which produces LCD TVs, to the press on November 19. The plant is doubling production of 4K TVs for the year-end sales season, in Yaita City, Tochigi Prefecture, on the afternoon of November 19, 2015.




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