k Into a dream while readingBookstore where you can stay overnight in Ikebukuro The Book and Bed designer hostel in Ikebukuro on February 5, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. This new Tokyo hostel was designed on the concept of staying overnight in a bookstore. It includes 30 bed compartments tucked into a wall of bookshelves and a communal reading space. Sleeping compartments cost from JPY 3,000 JPY 4,000 per night approx. US 3040 and the hostel managers want to promote the idea of dozing off comfortably whilst reading a book. The new hostel next to Ikebukuro JR rail station has an English homepage and could be a good solution for visiting backpackers. Photo by Martin HladikAFLO Editorial Stock Photo - Afloimages
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Into a dream while reading  Bookstore where you can stay overnight  in Ikebukuro The Book and Bed designer hostel in Ikebukuro on February 5, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. This new Tokyo hostel was designed on the concept of staying overnight in a bookstore. It includes 30 bed compartments tucked into a wall of bookshelves and a communal reading space. Sleeping compartments cost from JPY 3,000   JPY 4,000 per night  approx. US  30 40  and the hostel managers want to promote the idea of dozing off comfortably whilst reading a book. The new hostel next to Ikebukuro JR rail station has an English homepage and could be a good solution for visiting backpackers.  Photo by Martin Hladik AFLO

Into a dream while reading! Bookstore where you can stay overnight" in Ikebukuro

The Book and Bed designer hostel in Ikebukuro on February 5, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. This new Tokyo hostel was designed on the concept of staying overnight in a bookstore. It includes 30 bed compartments tucked into a wall of bookshelves and a communal reading space. Sleeping compartments cost from JPY 3,000 - JPY 4,000 per night (approx. US$ 30-40) and the hostel managers want to promote the idea of dozing off comfortably whilst reading a book. The new hostel next to Ikebukuro JR rail station has an English homepage and could be a good solution for visiting backpackers. (Photo by Martin Hladik/AFLO)




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