k The core and optical jet of galaxy M87. Coloured optical image of the centre of M87 made by the Hubble Space Telescope HST. M87 is a large elliptical galaxy with an active core. The very centre of the core has a far stronger gravitational field than explainable by the observed stellar density, suggesting the presence of a supermassive black hole. This black hole is also presumed to be the engine which powers the optical jet seen here pointing toward upper right. The jet consists in visible light emitted by a cone of fastmoving electrons as they spiral through the galaxys immense magnetic field. Editorial Stock Photo - Afloimages
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The core and optical jet of galaxy M87. Coloured optical image of the centre of M87 made by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). M87 is a large elliptical galaxy with an active core. The very centre of the core has a far stronger gravitational field than explainable by the observed stellar density, suggesting the presence of a supermassive black hole. This black hole is also presumed to be the 'engine' which powers the optical jet seen here pointing toward upper right. The jet consists in visible light emitted by a cone of fast-moving electrons as they spiral through the galaxy's immense magnetic field.

The core and optical jet of galaxy M87. Coloured optical image of the centre of M87 made by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). M87 is a large elliptical galaxy with an active core. The very centre of the core has a far stronger gravitational field than explainable by the observed stellar density, suggesting the presence of a supermassive black hole. This black hole is also presumed to be the 'engine' which powers the optical jet seen here pointing toward upper right. The jet consists in visible light emitted by a cone of fast-moving electrons as they spiral through the galaxy's immense magnetic field.




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