k Lion cubs Lion cubs Panthera leo play fighting. A lioness living in the wild produces between 2 and 4 cubs after a gestation period of 105 days. The cubs remain with their mother and her pride for around 2 years, during which time they develop crucial hunting and social behaviours in readiness for independence. Many behaviours are developed through playful interactions between cubs in the same litter. P. leo is found in savannah and scrubland throughout subSaharan Africa and in scattered areas of India. Stock Photo - Afloimages
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Lion cubs Lion cubs  Panthera leo  play fighting. A lioness living in the wild produces between 2 and 4 cubs after a gestation period of 105 days. The cubs remain with their mother and her pride for around 2 years, during which time they develop crucial hunting and social behaviours in readiness for independence. Many behaviours are developed through playful interactions between cubs in the same litter. P. leo is found in savannah and scrubland throughout sub Saharan Africa and in scattered areas of India.

Lion cubs

Lion cubs (Panthera leo) play fighting. A lioness living in the wild produces between 2 and 4 cubs after a gestation period of 105 days. The cubs remain with their mother and her pride for around 2 years, during which time they develop crucial hunting and social behaviours in readiness for independence. Many behaviours are developed through playful interactions between cubs in the same litter. P. leo is found in savannah and scrubland throughout sub-Saharan Africa and in scattered areas of India.




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