k Distribution of stroke lesions, MRI scans Coloured magnetic resonance imaging MRI scans showing the distribution of lesions in the brain due to strokes. The redder the area, the more frequent lesions are. A stroke, or cerebrovascular accident CVA, is where the brain is damaged by hypoxia lack of oxygen due to an interruption of, or other damage to, the blood supply. The location of the stroke has consequences for survival and recovery rates. Data for this image come from the Anatomical Tracings of Lesion After Stroke ATLAS dataset., by MARK AND MARY STEVENS NEUROIMAGING AND INFORMATICS INSTITUTESCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Stock Photo - Afloimages
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Distribution of stroke lesions, MRI scans Coloured magnetic resonance imaging  MRI  scans showing the distribution of lesions in the brain due to strokes. The redder the area, the more frequent lesions are. A stroke, or cerebrovascular accident  CVA , is where the brain is damaged by hypoxia  lack of oxygen  due to an interruption of, or other damage to, the blood supply. The location of the stroke has consequences for survival and recovery rates. Data for this image come from the Anatomical Tracings of Lesion After Stroke  ATLAS  dataset., by MARK AND MARY STEVENS NEUROIMAGING AND INFORMATICS INSTITUTE SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY

Distribution of stroke lesions, MRI scans

Coloured magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans showing the distribution of lesions in the brain due to strokes. The redder the area, the more frequent lesions are. A stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), is where the brain is damaged by hypoxia (lack of oxygen) due to an interruption of, or other damage to, the blood supply. The location of the stroke has consequences for survival and recovery rates. Data for this image come from the Anatomical Tracings of Lesion After Stroke (ATLAS) dataset., by MARK AND MARY STEVENS NEUROIMAGING AND INFORMATICS INSTITUTE/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY




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